Along with Boise, Idaho and Canberra in Australia, Tralee has been confirmed as the European base for the 7th International Fire Behaviour and Fuels Conference. The Conference will take place simultaneously in Tralee, County Kerry, Canberra, Australia, Boise and Idaho, USA in April 2024, and all three conferences will be linked remotely at various points.
Next year Tralee, Co. Kerry will play its part in the drive for climate adaptation and the fight against catastrophic wildfires globally. Wildfires present an increasing challenge to humanity and the ecosystems and atmosphere we depend on. The ability of societies to respond to larger and more destructive wildfire events and mitigate against further climate impacts is also increasingly challenged.
Ciarán Nugent, Board Member of the International Association of Wildland Fire and Chair of the Irish Organising said “As we have seen already this year across Europe, North Africa and North America, uncontrolled fires have the potential to destroy communities, natural habitats and landscapes where conditions permit extreme wildfires to develop. As our climate changes, and the effects are experienced in unique ways across diverse settings and societies, understanding fire behaviour and human responses to fire is even more critical.”
The 7th International Fire Behaviour and Fuels Conference which is organised by the International Association of Wildland Fire will offer an international forum where past Fire Management experience and lessons learned can be documented, current work showcased, and emerging research, innovation and techniques on fire management shared, towards developing integrated solutions to these challenges.
Like many countries across Europe, Ireland has seen its share of serious wildfire activity in recent years and Kerry offers an ideal fire environment like many other places on the western Atlantic coast of Europe within which to discuss emerging fire issues and solutions. The Tralee event is being organised by IAWF in partnership with Tralee Chamber and a number of local stakeholders.
This conference on three continents provides an opportunity to showcase how different countries can implement newly developed fire management policies and frameworks at national, regional and local levels to address fire risks and build resilience. The Conference will unite policy makers, scientists, fire managers and Indigenous land stewards for a shared purpose and a different future living with fire. Tralee is very well equipped with the facilities and learning environments to support this and offers an ideal location for this event.
Colette O’Connor, CEO of Tralee Chamber said “Ciarán Nugent, the Regional Inspector from the Forest Service within the Department of Agriculture, Food, and Marine here in Ireland, made his initial contact with Tralee Chamber in February. Tralee Chamber was thrilled to collaborate in securing this conference for our town. The looming threat of wildfires is a concern not only for Tralee but for the entire county.”
She continued by saying “Following our first meeting in February, we convened several meetings with the International Association of Wildland Fire committee. During these sessions, we presented a comprehensive overview of what Tralee has to offer. Upon receiving confirmation that Tralee would serve as the European base, we established a dedicated committee and enlisted the services of a Professional Conference Organizer (PCO) to manage the logistics. This conference marks a significant milestone for Tralee as it’s the first of its kind, both in terms of its subject matter and our international co-hosting partnership with our colleagues in Boise and Canberra.
The Rose Hotel will serve as the conference’s headquarters. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to showcase everything that Tralee and its surrounding areas have to offer to the international and national conference sector.”
More information can be found on 2024 Fire Behaviour and Fuels Conference – Fuel, fire and smoke: evolving to meet our climate challenge – https://firebehaviorandfuelsconference.com/
For more information please contact:
Colette O’Connor, Chief Executive, 085 8826 212 or email colette@tralee.ie
Sharon O’Donoghue on 086 3800 991 or email news@tralee.ie
REPRO FREE images available from Domnick Walsh Photography on +353 87 2672033 or email info@dwalshphoto.ie