Chief Executive of Tralee Chamber Alliance Colette O’Connor met with Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan on Thursday evening June 23rd, following a public meeting at the Great Southern Hotel in Killarney. While the much anticipated opening of the Tralee Fenit Greenway was lauded, Tralee Chamber Alliance remain committed to working on the overall connectivity in the North Kerry area.
Ms O’Connor was keen to stress the need for investment into transport for the county capital to Minister Ryan, “Over the past two years our towns, businesses and communities have gone through a period of unprecedented change that has accelerated many of the challenges we had been preparing for.
We are seeking support to examine holistically how our urban areas and businesses can adapt to embrace a new era in rural travel, how we can consolidate and grow Tralee as an example of how rural living can work where there is adequate infrastructure provided to ensure ease of access. It goes without saying that Kerry is an unbelievably beautiful place to live, the struggle is getting around it. In the short term Active Travel needs dedicated investment streams at a local ground level: capital to create adequate walking and cycling infrastructure for all local trips within the town, and revenue for the behaviour change programmers to maximize the change generated by the new infrastructure.
Ultimately what is needed is a robust public transport service that will connect Tralee to the rural areas around Kerry, North Cork and West Limerick where large amounts of workers are commuting from daily. With the ever increasing cost of fuel, the need for this is becoming more and more urgent”