After coordinating, supporting and presenting over forty events for the month of October, Kerry County Council’s An Turas Mór Homecoming Kerry Festival is drawing to a spectacular closure this Sunday evening in Denny Street Tralee with a fire parade, fire show and fireworks between 6pm and 8pm
The event will present Haunted Projections (6pm) followed by some Deadly Dancing for which families are invited to come all dressed up and get involved in the fun of the evening and maybe even winning some spot prizes for the scariest dressed or best Time Warp Dancer. The Parade of Fire will kick off from the top of Denny Street before 7pm with Fire Performers and Dragon along with Kingdom Troopers & Drummers followed by a 30 minute Fire Show and the evening will culminate with a Fireworks Display over the Ashe Memorial Hall.
Mayor of Tralee, Cllr Mikey Sheehy encouraged people to join in the celebrations at the weekend.
“The Kerry Homecoming Festival which has run throughout October has been a wonderful success. Numerous community festivals and events have focussed on what is best about the county and has also attracted the Kerry Diaspora home from overseas. I hope that people will come out in large numbers for the finale of the festival on Saturday evening in Tralee. I thank all those who are working so hard to make it happen and I hope everyone will enjoy the festivities,” he said.
The evening is presented as part of closing ceremony of the October 2022 An Turas Mór – Homecoming Kerry initiative funded by Kerry County Council – Tourism Department, Fáilte Ireland and the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade under the Global Irish Festival Series and under the LLPPS4 Scheme by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sports & Media and Kerry County Council – Arts Department.
More information from www.homecomingkerry.com